The challenge

Engage business owners and operations managers in the UK and make them aware of the huge risks to their businesses security of they do not protect their supply chain. A technically complex and dry subject that needs to strike the right balance of waking companies up to the severity of the problem and provide easily digestible information that leads the audience to read the documentation and act.

The insight

Business owners and operations managers are incredibly busy keeping their business running in difficult times. Reading pages of security advice documents that apply to their suppliers is not something they have lots of time to do. They also have preconceived ideas about how security is all about preventing hackers in hoodies from accessing their data.

This is far from the truth.


The idea

Deliver the information in two easily digestible stages. Step one, essentially scare the audience into seeing how they have misunderstood the threat and how catastrophic it can be for their business. Step two, educate them in what they can do in as short a time as possible. Finally direct them to the full documentation on a purpose built online learning platform.

The result

23K unique visits in the first month to the Secure Procurement informationm documents.





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