The challenge
Is it possible to turn five days of high-quality face-to-face training into a blended-learning course and still keep investigations standards sky-high.
A global pharmaceutical company with over 500 HR corporate investigations people across the globe prides itself on its transparent, ‘speak up’ culture. Every year, they dig into thousands of concerns raised by staff around the world and they make their recommendations for the appropriate action to take in each case. It’s a high-stakes role, and absolutely vital that each of these investigators are trained to the highest standards so they’re always meticulous and consistent in how they work. Trouble was, flying trainers and participants around the world to get them all in the same room for 5 days of high-quality training was becoming a logistical nightmare.
The insight
Our first job was to quickly get up to speed with investigators’ roles, the skills they’re trained to apply, and the myriad allegations they have to deal with every day. When we emerged, it was time for action, and time to create. We knew the key with the training would be to spread the takeaways across different media, with different kinds of pacing, and as many interactive elements as we could possibly create. So, working within the company’s existing online learning platform, we helped to collate all the relevant information across a coherent, seven-module learner journey.