Teaching young people can be tricky, just ask any teacher! They’re discovering who they are, trying to forge an identity and prove what they know. Getting through can be a tough and thankless task but it's important to try. With experience comes wisdom and if we can impart just a little we help them get ahead quicker.
This is why we jumped at the chance to team up with Ambitious Academy to deliver a series of workshops at Whittington Park community centre. Shawdon Smith, founder of the Academy, worked with another Islington youth group to produce the highly successful short ‘Drawn Out’ and wanted to replicate the process with another youth club.
Drawn Out film
To start we ran workshops covering narrative structure and what makes a good story, followed by mining the young people’s own experiences to discern themes important to them. We took this information away and drafted a script for approval and editing into their own authentic language. Next came directing and producing workshops delivering insight into the filmmaking process.
Finally we held acting workshops run by professional actors. All the roles in the film, except the adults who volunteered their time, were played by the young people themselves and they all rose to the challenge. Some of the shyest participants were challenging themselves to new heights and went on to really excel in their roles.
Acting workshop day two
Once everyone had their lines down we put a call out to our network of crew for assistance and equipment, receiving an overwhelming response. It was important as many of the crew looked and sounded like the young people we were working with as we wanted to demonstrate a career in media is something they can aspire to. Fortunately we have a great network of ethnic minority and working class film professionals who were keen to get involved.
On Set
Filming took place over three weekends so as not to interfere with school time. Everyone had a role whether in front of or behind the camera. Filming was tough but everyone involved had a great and memorable experience. Once filming was complete we set about post production, regularly consulting the young people for their insight and approval.
Now we are done and are looking for a channel to broadcast the film and a venue to host the premiere so if you know of anywhere please drop simon@kash.london a line.
Idle Hands Trailer
This was a challenge, especially during Covid, but highly rewarding and we’d recommend it to anyone. We can’t wait to replicate the process and bring everything we learnt to bear. We want to see more young inner city people from disadvantaged backgrounds getting into the media and sharing their unique perspectives with the wider culture; we are all richer for it.